- "I'm Too Cooooool For Music"
- Never Trust a Man Without a Horribly Embarassing Secret
- Showerbeers!
- Side Projects are Never Successful
These guys are also the epitome of independent, DIY punk. They play shows for less than $10. They record and put everything out themselves. They probably even make their own goddamn merch. And the best part is, they've always released their music for free. Every song ever. On their website: http://bombthemusicindustry.tumblr.com/ Just scroll halfway down and every album is on the left.
Their live show is crazy fun. They got voted best live act at The Fest this year. And if you don't know the Fest, well check this out: http://www.thefestfl.com/ So many bands I've been hyping lately. I wish I was in Florida for it.