My inner hipster is rejoicing today. But at the same time, he's crying. This is the reason:

Sufjan Stevens. The man who puts out album after album of great indie covering all styles, ideas and concepts. Although only 2 albums into his concept of an album for each state of America (Illionoise just blew him up massively), he's already taken a break and released a different strain of music, with his new album the Age of Adz. And for that album he will be coming to Australia.
For now, the dates apart from an Adelaide date are just rumoured. So why is the inner hipster crying? His date at the Tivoli is meant to be the same day as Laneway. The 4th of February. ARGHHHHHHH! Hipster Chuck barely gets out, and now he has 2 reasons on the same day! And I've alread bought my expensive Laneway tickets, so I'm just hurt now.
I hope they change it. It is only a strong rumour, I still have time to hope until the real announcement.
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