Being Australian, this tour announcement today made me go meh. After the Fall? Washed up Australian radio rock I first heard when I was like 12?
But no, I just had to read a bit further. After the Fall... from the USA. Melodic-hardcore-punk of awesome.
Seriously, would the Australian After the Fall wear a Black Flag shirt? I doubt it. I gave these guys album from 2010 a 4.5/5. It was damn good punk.
I wasn't expecting this at all, but they're coming out to Australia! Touring with Melbourne's punk rockers Anchors. It's going to be a great show. The Jubilee, November 17, 18+. You've probably never heard of them, so head to their MySpace to hear many songs, including one featuring Make Do And Mend.
Huge fan of this band. Stoked they are coming to Aus.